Footprints on Katmai Watercolor Series
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In this 12 day watercolor tutorial series, you will embark on a creative adventure with artist and filmmaker Max Romey to Katmai, Alaska! Along the way he shares personal experiences documenting the impact of “unintended footprints” on remote habitats in Alaska. Additionally, introduces you to some of his friends doing amazing work to help protect wild places like Katmai.
🌎 An educational experience mixing art and science! 🌎
By the end of this 12 day series, you will have created 12 individual paintings that all come together like a puzzle to form one big picture at the end!
Each tutorial will focus on a different environmental aspect that makes Katmai Alaska so special, and how learning about this unique place can help inspire positive change all around the globe!
Designed by Max Romey to suit all skill levels.
Self-paced and lifetime access after signing up.
Supplies used:
Footprints on Katmai — Full Film
This is the story that inspired our 12-part watercolor series. Each a unique experience and opportunity to see the big picture of impact on remote places like Katmai Alaska.
First Step
Come with me to Katmai Alaska! Today we are going to take the first step and make the first mark — together! I will share with you my inspiration for the creation of the film Footprints on Katmai and together we will paint the first piece of a bigger picture. In today’s lesson I will be using our Unicorn Kit and my Trail Tiles.
A Whale of a Tale
We are going to have a whale of time in today’s lesson! I am also excited to introduce you to my friend Bree, a Research Biologist for the University of Alaska. Now, take a D E E P breath and dive into the magical world of whales and why they are so important to us and our oceans.
Below The Surface
Come with me, below the surface, to learn even more about the wild and wondrous world of fish and phytoplankton. I’ll reintroduce you to my friend and Marine Biologist Peyton, who you would have met in my film Footprints on Katmai. She is crazy for fish, and by the end of today’s lesson, you will be too! Grab your snorkel, a snack and lets sink a bit deeper!
One Grain of Sand
One of my favorite memories as a new father — The first time we took Kip to the coast of Cape Cod! I saw every grain of sand through his curiosity of this magical new world. Today, with the help of my friend Franziska from Glass Half Full, we will learn why this environment is SO important to the health of our plant. Now, let’s play in the sand without getting any actual sand in our paints!
The Journey
I am often asked, “How do you get to a remote place like Katmai Alaska?” There are two ways to experience these remote places, either by sea or by sky. In our film, we take to the high seas, and today we are going to paint the very boat that brought our team to Katmai. Helping to ensure we arrived safe and well fed was my long-time friend Rachel, a professional mariner and cold-water surfer! She knows these waters best and shares her experiences in today’s lesson.
Friends of a Feather
I use to think I had to leave Alaska to experience the world until I learned that many of the world’s birds migrate to Alaska! Which feels a little bit like the whole world comes to my home state every year. Isn’t that wild? This means today we are taking to the skies above Katmai and will hear from my friend Dr. Veronica, a member of the Aleut Community of St. Paul Island. We have an incredible conversation about some very impressive birds while brining their “home” to life with watercolor.
A Wild Place
They don’t call Alaska the last frontier lightly, and today the Executive Director of the Alaskan Wilderness League, Kristen, will help put it all into perspective! It only seems fitting that we also paint one of the stunning peaks of Katmai.
The Bear Necessities
For Alaskans bears are an important part of daily life here, where we live in their home — not the other way around. In today's lesson I will introduce you to my friend and Wildlife Biologist Shannon Finnegan. She studies these amazing animals right here in Alaska and will share her experiences with you.
Out Of The Loop
What happens below the surface can often be hard to explain and do I ever have the perfect person to help us understand. My friend Kat Knauer, a polymer scientist from the University of Colorado Boulder joins us in the tutorial and I hope you learn as much as I did!
The Root Of It
I use to believe that what was happening below our feet was, well, dirt simple! Boy was I wrong, and my friend Adam Nordell, who use to be an organic farmer in Maine and now works for Defend Our Health helps me see and understand the bigger picture of the earth we stand on.
A Helping Hand
Hi Friends! There is a little glitch at the very VERY end of this video, after we complete the watercolor lesson. We’ll have it fixed soon! Thank you for your patience!
The Big Picture